Our Partners

The Australia & New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing (ANZSEBP) was formed in April 2013 in Brisbane, Australia. The ANZSEBP is a police practitioner-led Society. The mission of the ANZSEBP is to develop, disseminate and advocate for police to use scientific research (“the evidence”) to guide best practice in all aspects of policing. The ANZSEBP Chairperson serves on the Executive Board of the British Society of Evidence Based Policing, ensuring that the ANZSEBP works cooperatively with an international group of police to advance evidence based policing.

In 2010, their journey began in a small town in Southern Germany. Driven by the desire to create a clean and affordable energy future for everyone, Christoph Ostermann and Torsten Stiefenhofer, the founders, developed the first sonnenBatterie. At a time when solar energy was only fed into the grid, they created a system that allows households to store and consume their self-generated energy, day and night. Today, they are a global leader in energy storage solutions with offices in Germany, Italy, Great Britain, the United States, and Australia